Gotta Look Forward to Something

This is supposed to be the first school year that I'll be living in my own appartment instead of the dorms, however fate had different plans. Seeing as I'll have to wait until at least christmas break to start apartment hunting, I have a lot of time to plan the things I want for when I do get my own place.

#1 I really want a puppy, not just any puppy but a Shiba Inu puppy. They just look so roly poly and cute that I really can't resist their charm.

#2 I'm going to have a fully stocked kitchen so I don't have to rely on microwaveable pizzas for my main food source.

#3 I've always wanted to decorate a place, true most of my furniture will have to come from thrift stores, but it will still look awesome

#4 I will go on a quest to find the perfect bed. It does exist, and I've lain on it once. I just don't remember what kind of matresses those were!

#5 I will be able to watch Lost without having to explain to my roommate what's going on.

So those are the top 5 things that I'm looking forward to, but really I'd be happy with a place that didn't institute 24/7 quiet hours during Finals week.


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