The beginning of the semester when everyone moves in is always a fun time. I always hope that there will be lots of hott incoming freshmen/transfer students. This year there are! There's one guy who looks like Taylor Lautner, but with longer curlier hair. The point of this, however, is not to list all of the attractive people on campus. The point is to list all the things that I'm looking forward to this year.

In 23 short days, I will be 21, go alcohol!
The painting trip to the Nelson Atkins
Seeing everything that I'm going to be making
Tax Credits for textbooks and hopefully art supplies
Maybe playing ultimate frisbee again, now that I've met someone who shares my love for the game
The iron pour
Actually having a chance of getting something in the Messiah festival
Figuring out just how long it's going to take me to graduate exactly
Hopefully becoming an off campus student
Learning to make teapots

This may not be a huge list, but I'm greatly looking forward to it. Remember, calling your college student every day is acceptable, if not annoying. Calling them 5 times a day is downright clingy.

Coffee Coffee Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink

A couple weeks ago, I noticed a very disturbing sign in the window of the local coffee house I love. It was a for sale sign. I had never been a regular. I'm a college student and couldn't affort that kind of a habit before the recession. I was, however, in there enough that she knew my name. That place has been a cornerstone for me and my friends. Whenever there's nothing else to do we go to the Old Grind, now there's probably not going to be an Old Grind. I'm going to go in today and say goodbye to the first place that I ever tried real espresso in. I've tried pretty much everything on their menu except the lingonberry smoothie. To be honest, I'm still not quite sure what lingonberries are. Now if you will all raise your coffee cups with me to salute your locally owned coffee bars, cheers!

Somewhere Between Coolness and Geekdom

Most of the time it seems like I'm stuck between stereotypes. I've definitely never been preppy or popular. Never been quite goth or emo, I don't spend enough time with my books to be a nerd, and I don't game or code so no geekdom either. I don't fit well into the spectrum of modern society. I'm in the grey area. I obsess about my music and read web comics religiously, but I also love shoe shopping and watching movies with my friends. Of course most of the time after I've seen the movie a few times, I start pointing out the irregularities in the plot. I do own a PS2 but I only use it for watching movies. I'm not quite religious, but not un-religious enough to think of myself as agnostic. I am middle grey. I'm not overly creative, but I can bring some ideas to the table if needed. I'm not easily excitable or easily depressed. My intire persona is mediocrity. That's what I've striven for my whole life, to not stand out. Yet some how in my not standing out, I don't quite fit in. Even in the things that I spend all my time with like movies and music, I don't stick with one genre. Most people don't believe this until they look at my i pod and see Edith Piaf next to Taylor Swift next to System of a Down. Then again if I chose just one stereotype to fulfill, I would miss out on all of the great things of the others. I think I'll stay here on the greyscale, spanning the genres of life. In other words, I totally represent the state I grew up in. Kansas, nothing really great but still here feeding your fat asses. I think that should be the new motto.

Time ofline, a rambling mind makes

Hi everybody! I just spent baisically 3 days ofline, it was supposed to be a week, but I gave into temptation. I could go into all the stuff I got done, but I'm guessing that would get boring. Today marks the first official day that I worked full time. From 9-4 Monday through Friday I shall be at the college bookstore. May I say that working at said store, definitely has it's perks. The companies we order from are constantly sending us freebies, most of which I have my choice if I get. Today I got one of these: I think I'm probably going to go label crazy. I already made one with my laptop's name on it as you can see at the beginning of this blog. I kinda wish I could text on it, because although the screen is tiny, and the thing is huge, I'm kinda thinking that I'm going to start carrying it around. And now I think it's time to take off my shoes and relax for the rest of the day.

The Ghosts of Employment Past

Wednesday nights are Ghost Hunters nights for me. Whenever I watch that show, though, it makes me feel nostalgic. Starting right after my Junior year in high school, I worked at this little cafe in my hometown. My boss always insisted that there were ghosts there. One of them, she assured us, was named Joey and was an 11 year old boy. I always chuckled at her stories, and it was nice to have something to blame when the ice machine made weird noises. Then last summer, I started really believing her. I had seen some strange things, but all of them had other explainations besides a ghost. Last year was the year that I started opening, and closing the cafe and there was a lot of the time when I was alone in the building. One evening I was getting the kitchen cleaned up, and the boss was up in her office and I heard someone say my name. It was really distant, but I heard someone say "Sam." I went up to see what Connie wanted, and she hadn't said anything. I shook it off and went back to what I was doing, and I heard my name again. I came to like Joey and sometimes I'd just ramble on when nobody was around, but I thought he might be there. One time he even reminded me of some glasses that I had forgotten to pick up by clanging them together. Now, I'm away from there and off to college, and I kind of miss Joey. It was nice to think that there might be someone listening when I needed to rant but nobody else was around. Now I'm living in the dorms that just got built, and I guarantee they weren't built on an Indian burial ground. That dorm's across campus. I miss the world of the paranormal, maybe it's why I watch Ghost Hunters. Here's to you Joey I hope the people who own the cafe next come to love you like we did.

Gotta Look Forward to Something

This is supposed to be the first school year that I'll be living in my own appartment instead of the dorms, however fate had different plans. Seeing as I'll have to wait until at least christmas break to start apartment hunting, I have a lot of time to plan the things I want for when I do get my own place.

#1 I really want a puppy, not just any puppy but a Shiba Inu puppy. They just look so roly poly and cute that I really can't resist their charm.

#2 I'm going to have a fully stocked kitchen so I don't have to rely on microwaveable pizzas for my main food source.

#3 I've always wanted to decorate a place, true most of my furniture will have to come from thrift stores, but it will still look awesome

#4 I will go on a quest to find the perfect bed. It does exist, and I've lain on it once. I just don't remember what kind of matresses those were!

#5 I will be able to watch Lost without having to explain to my roommate what's going on.

So those are the top 5 things that I'm looking forward to, but really I'd be happy with a place that didn't institute 24/7 quiet hours during Finals week.

The Beginning

Well here comes my first post, so be warned that it may not be any good whatsoever. Seeing as we're both here, though, I think we should begin. This blog probably won't end up being one of those that specializes in one thing like movies or fashion. Instead I think I'll just type whatever comes to mind. I'm not really sure of how often I'm going to update or when I'm going to get everything organized just how I like it, but I'm here and that's what matters right? Well I guess I had better start figuring this thing out.
Until Next Time,
Sammy B